New facts about the Lutheran church

Unfortunately ancient Polotsk has not preserved many architectural monuments. For different reasons churches and cloisters were either purposefully destroyed by people or suffered from wars. Among the buildings that survived we can consider the former Lutheran church at Nizhne-Pokrovskaya Street. This building is the only monument of Neogothic in our town nowadays. Red bricks, a broach spire, pointed towers-pinnacles, lancet windows – these are the characteristic features of Gothic architecture.

Researchers, having studied the documents of various archives, failed to find out the precise date of the building of the church. Its construction dates back to the end of the XIX – the beginning of the XX cc. And only this year the staff of the Museum of local lore had more luck. Among the documents of The National Historical archives of the Republic of Belarus several letters, appeals of Polotsk Lutherans and the report of the chief of Polotsk police were found, where the precise date of the building was pointed out.

A new church was built in a year and a half and the Lutheran church was solemnly opened on the 18th of December 1888. The stone church was consecrated in honour of Saint Mary.